By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Progreso Gazette
The Progreso Gazette caught up with a number of RGVLS participant Martin Garcia Jr heading to the competition to show off his work with his animal. Here is what he had to say:
Q: What club are you a member of?
A: I am apart of Progreso FFA.
Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?
A: I will be showing a hog and a heifer here at RGVLS.
Q: What is your animal’s name?
A: My animals name’s are Duke and Ms. Elsie.
Q: What is your animal’s breed?
A: My animals are a Hampshire breed hog and a Simbrah heifer.
Q: What do you like most about RGVLS?
A: I love to compete against other showmen and also to showcase my animals too.
Q: Tell us your favorite memory presenting at RGVLS?
A: When I won Grand Champion Showmen back to back in 2021 and 2022.
Q: Who or what encouraged you to join FFA and compete at RGVLS?
A: My Dad encouraged me to start showing at RGVLS and, I loved it.
Q: What is your goal at RGVLS competition this year?
A: My goal for this year is to get first place and make it to the sale of champs.
Q: What is it like for you when you when you come to participate at RGVLS?
A: It’s like an adrenaline rush for me. I love to compete and see all my hard work pay off when I place with my projects.
Q: What would be your best advice to someone who wants compete at RGVLS?
A: My best advice to new showmen is to not be afraid to try new things and join FFA.
Q: Tells what you did so far to prepare for this year’s RGVLS competition?
A: I worked long hours, late nights and attended prospect shows to get my livestock animals ready for RGVLS.
Q: What is the weirdest, or funniest thing your animal as ever done while you have been raising it?
A: I had a hog that would flood her pen every day with her water spout and would never let me have a break off cleaning her pen.
Q: What is your go to food or snack at RGVLS?
A: My go to food for RGVLS would be the honey coated pork kabobs with some Slap Yo Mama on it.
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: My favorite movie would be any of the Jurassic Park films.
Q: What is your favorite game or carnival ride at RGVLS?
A: My favorite carnival ride at the RGVLS is the ride called “rock-it”.
Q : What actor would play you in a Hollywood movie?
A: I would want to be Maximus from Gladiator.